Welcome to Mrs. Gelineau's Classroom
Email Address : lisa_gelineau@sd33.bc.ca
Please email me for password information if needed for the following sites:
Spelling City (password required) - https://www.spellingcity.com/Log-yourself-in.html - spelling games KidsA-Z (password required) - https://www.kidsa-z.com/ - leveled books to read Epic (class code required) - https://www.getepic.com/ - storybooks to read or listen to Prodigy (password required) - https://www.prodigygame.com/ - math "videogame"
The following sites do not require password information:
Go Noodle - https://gonoodle.com/ - movement, dance, exercise videos Art Hub for Kids - http://www.arthubforkids.com/ - guided drawing activities Turtle Diary - https://www.turtlediary.com/ - learning games all academic areas ABCYA - https://www.abcya.com/ - learning games all academic areas Storyline Online - https://www.storylineonline.net/ - famous people reading storybooks Education.com - https://www.education.com/ - learning games all academic areas Public Library - https://www.fvrl.bc.ca/ - click on "digital content", "kids", "Tumblebooks", you will need to enter your public library card information, if you do not have a library card you can sign up for free on the main library page under the heading "NEWS" ____________________________________________________________________________________________ |